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Smart Classroom Solutions

Redefining the
Classroom Experience with AI-Driven Education

An AI adaptive platform which improve student learning performance, assist teachers with personalised lessons & streamlines the classrooms for blended learning.
The Trusted Choice of 10,000+ Premier Schools Worldwide
Get Started in Seconds 🚀
Teacher App

Admin App

BrightClass Combines Learning Science, AI & Neuroscience toImprove Teaching and Learning Outcomes

Smart Classroom Solutions dashboard screen
BrightClass Teach App

Creating structured and curriculum-centric lessons quickly, digital whiteboarding, and seamless assessment creation and evaluation in education.

Smart Classroom Solutions, practice, and module screens
BrightClass Learn App

AI-guided self-learning companion, delivering personalized recommendations and on-demand access to learning materials anytime, anywhere.

Dashboard with various metrics and numbers
BrightClass Admin App

Management can make announcements instantly to all class students and monitor all the devices running in the institute at their convenience with a simple UI.

The interface screen of Brightclass's teacher app
BrightClass Parent App

Parents can monitor the student's progress and know day-to-day updates on their academic performance and in-class behaviour.

BrightClass is 🔥🔥 for Schools

Rediscover Your Classrooms with Intelligent
BrightClass features

Platform Package

Subscription plan for schools and institutes

All free features, plus:
AI-powered content creation
Interactive teaching tools
Hybrid learning support
Student performance management
Parent communication app

Smart Classroom Package

Subscription plan for schools and institutes along with devices

All features in platform package, plus:
Classroom devices
Device management dashboard
Portable IWB

Upgrade your classrooms today

Book time with us. We would love to learn more about your school’s needs and
discuss how best we can partner with you.